
Showing posts from August, 2019

Virgo takes over

Hàlo a charaidh!        How have you all been? So, We are under a very nice phenomenon I like to call Virgo Queendom. Yesterday and today almost all the intra-saturnine planets (Planets that go up to Saturn such as Sun, Moon, Earth, Venus...) were/are in Virgo. Ok but what does it bring up? Well, Virgo brings a message of new beginnings this week, as perfectly tomorrow is the first day of September, August was a very long month and brought many conflicts and feelings now it is time to learn to start again.       Now the Lion governing has completely turned into the noble maiden and she is crowned Queen. We are under the mercy of the virgin lady that governs with justice, intellect and wisdom. With the intra-saturnine planets in Virgo we might expect to speak, think, feel, act more like Virgos. The good points? We can be idealistic, prone to help people, abandon our prejudices and communicate with everyone. We tend to focus more on schedules an...

Moon In Gemini

Hàlo, Ciamar a tha sibh?        So, again, I am posting this quick set of information to relate to the Moon in Gemini. We are at the last degrees of Taurus now and if you're still hungry and sleepy (Haha kidding) you might feel a little bit more curious and free spirited from now on. For some people like myself that is the time when moon goes back to the natal, if your moon is also in Natal Gemini then you should have your moon return map today or tomorrow. This post will be very brief once I will only talk about the aspects to be observed in the next few days.       Gemini is an air sign and the first generation of air, it means it is the child learning how to speak, how to communicate. Your emotions will be much louder than they were in the tranquil bull of Taurus and you will be much more opened to talk about issues you weren't that much. It is a time for renewal and to set yourself free from old prejudice and hatred. Be careful not to gossip a...

Sun in Virgo

Hallo, a'charaidh!        How have you all been? So, here we are, the spirit of the noble maiden fair is in the sun leaving the proud lion that roars as a wise King/Queen ready to understand the purity of life and not of sovereignty. With the sun in Virgo we tend to be less self-centered and we become selfless in a way. Virgo is a sign that calls for duty for others not for ourselves. We tend to be more organised and clean in body and soul, after all Virgo is the sign of purity and the beginning of the justice sign (Libra). Are you a Virgo? Oh! Your solar return is at the corner then. Virgo is a very special sign for me because apart from Leo this is the sign that quite takes over my essence, my rising in Virgo and Venus draws me back to the light side of Leo, in this case, makes me selfless.      But now, what to expect from Virgo sun? As you all know the sun is our essence and when a sign enters it during the solar year we tend to change the way...

Venus in Virgo

Hello, my beloved friends! Ciamar a tha sibh an-diugh?       So here we are, sun about to leave Leo and enter Virgo in a couple of days. Moon is in Taurus giving us patience today and emotions a little bit more down to the earth. Today is a good day to appreciate the small valuable things in life and what you have achieved so far. In this post I will be discussing the issues that will be brought up by Virgo Venus that is already upon us (00º11' Virgo). Well, to me it is quite an important month once it will be my Venus return soon (I've got my natal Venus in Virgo 4º) and it'll bring new matters for love and relationships. Now we are in a sign where Venus does not feel totally comfortable (It is in fall in Virgo and Exalted in Pisces) and why is it that Venus does not feel well with the Virgo aspect? Virgo is quite a down to the earth sign, can be quite pessimistic and perfectionist, most of the times (and I can tell) thinking that physical love was not made for ...

The Virgo Season starts: Mars enters Virgo and Moon Report

Hàlo a charaid, ciamar a tha sibh?       So, here we are, after a full moon, waning off into Aries now (1º45' of Aries). After a creative impulse and a couple of emotional conflicts we might have gone through now we head into the impulsive Aries, but we might experience the desire to do things at the right moment just don't go too fast, you may regret it later. Just be careful with how you express yourself sentimentally, analyse your thoughts minutely and you'll be fine. It is not the best time for patience when the moon enters Aries and once we are 'waning" it means the moon is waning some qualities we might find useful so you have to use your resources wisely.      Be patient when it comes to doing things that require time and details. The moon is in conjunction with Chiron (Aries 5º15') what means it is a good time for thinking over what needs healing in your sentimental life, use the energy of Aries to heal yourself  with the blazing fire...

🌙Full Moon Report

Hallo a' ghràdhaich! A s you all know tonight it's full moon in Aquarius. Every month the moon goes 180º at this furthest point apart from the sun. What does it mean? Well astrologically speaking the full moon is always in opposition to the sun sign, in this case if the Sun is in Cancer (last month for example) the full moon will be in Capricorn (180º apart). This month however the full moon is in Aquarius once the Sun is in Leo, what does it bring up? Think of the Sun and the moon as complementary opposites (that's what they are in fact) one is the loving mother queen (Moon or Sun depending on the culture perspective but all beings in the universe have Yin and Yang energies) and the other one as the brave father king. When those two are apart they tend to generate a tension down to us once according to the 1st Hermetic law - Correspondence - we are affected and affect all things that exist in the material, spiritual and energetic realms. To those of you, lik...

🌙Hecate's Day🌜

Hallo! I'm back,       For those of you who still don't know, today is the day of Hecate, Triple Goddess, Titan Goddess of Witchcraft. On this post I will be giving you tips on how to please the Goddess and how to celebrate your Hecate's day properly. First, what does this day represent? On the 13th of August the Greek generally had offerings for her in reason of the crops they didn't want her neither anything else to harm with storms and so on. It is a day to be thankful and joyful and as the nearly-full moon is shining bright tonight we can focus on the young pregnant lady ready to give birth to a new phase for us all, the woman that soon will become mother, tonight ask Hecate to give birth to this light, pray in her name and ask her to nourish you by the energy of Aquarius, may her hounds guard your doors and may her power be with us all.       So, now that you know a bit about it let's go for the ceremony. Hecate is a midnight-goddess in t...

Full Moon in Aquarius

Feasgar Math, Ciamar a tha sibh?       Hello beloved ones, I am glad to write tonight in spite the bad moon that I was immersed into. You see, the Moon is entering opposition to my natal Sun (Leo 13º) and I am getting quite a lot of emotional unbalance this week. But we are not here only to talk about me. As Moon is 97% lightened up by the light of our Sun and the lunar ecliptic (axis around the planets that move them through the signs) is in Aquarius we face challenges, not only me but we all once the sun (our inner self) finds itself in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius (180º Opposition).       If we take that, oppositions are tense aspects (communication per say) between two planets in opposite signs. We might see if as two sides of the same coin fighting for its own truth that in the end is the same. We tend now to undergo vigorous emotional conflicts and perhaps, you like myself, find a bit annoying anything around you. It is time, however, to meas...

Venus Opposite Full Moon

Hallo, Ciamar a tha sibh a-nis?        I hope you are truly doing fine! So, this week's full moon will bring some tension upon our Venus (Exact 22º Opposition). While Venus is on Leo the Moon will be in Aquarius and it might bring lack of communication for us, relationships might be with a very tense energy right now. Oppositions are generally aspects that bring up challenges to be overcome. There must be an understanding on "ok, I love you a lot but I can't tell you, I'll be vulnerable". NO, STOP. You are not vulnerable, get rid of this bloody pride, open up your heart and allow your sentiments to communicate with you inner love. Let the fire of Leo understand the combustion of Aquarius, understand that however opposites those are only two sides of the same coin, so put it all together and look into what is that you need to change, you need to allow yourself to do. Aquarius comes to talks about freedom of expression, while Leo can be quite proud to express...

Weekly Sky Report - August 12th up to 17th

Hallo, Ciamar a tha sibh an-diugh?          Haha! Sorry for the Gàidhlig above, just asking how you are today. On this post I will be drawing our attention to the weekly sky report as promised before. It will throw some light in what might be waiting for us at the corner. I will try to be as less technical as possible, use as less jargon as possible and if I do I will explain in plain English, don't worry. So, let's get down to work, shall we?        Now, this is my natal chart in comparison to the current situation of the planets. As you can all see I am a Leo sun, Moon Gemini, Mercury Cancer and so on. I will be focusing not on me right now, I will focus on the first chart on the left. Just to make clear, the Asc (Rising sign) changes depending where you are on the Planet. But most planets will be quite the same. So, what can I understand of the situation of the planets for this week?       First, the Sun:...

Where to start?

    Hello, dear readers!       As you might be asking what kind of content you'll be reading in this blog I decided to make a list of my primeval topics to discuss with you. First, I will try to upload a weekly sky report with my interpretations about the astrological position of the planets. Astrology is something I consider quite relevant to get to know about oneself and about the universe around. Dear mother moon knows how nice it has been to learn so much from all around me. Apart from Astrology I also would like to talk to you about potion making, spell casting, oracle reading and tips for your magic, here not to mention that I am not professional once I started my practice only three years ago, there is much to learn and little to ignore.        Matter of fact my next post will be about the week's sky report as consideration to the full moon this week, in Aquarius, I will be diving (likely shallowly) into what benefits or barriers ...

Hello Witches, Pagans, Warlocks or as you please...

Good Evening to you all.       I am an Omnist Natural Witch who lives in Brazil. To those who are not acquainted with the term "Omnist" it is used to define those whose religious traditions aggregate many religious traditions from all over the world. I have been keen on it for the three years now and I am glad to be here able to share what I have learnt so far in what concerns the deep religious perspective of our ancestors pagans or as I like to call them - Natural Philosophers.      It is with great pleasure that I write to spread more about what there is to find in the world around us and what we can learn from those who came before us. Fell totally free to share and comment as much as you please. I believe the best thing about being able to spread information is also to receive knowledge from everywhere. I wholeheartedly hope you will enjoy and take advantage of my experience to enlighten, somehow, your own path. I wish you all the warmest welcome to...