The Virgo Season starts: Mars enters Virgo and Moon Report

Hàlo a charaid, ciamar a tha sibh? 
     So, here we are, after a full moon, waning off into Aries now (1º45' of Aries). After a creative impulse and a couple of emotional conflicts we might have gone through now we head into the impulsive Aries, but we might experience the desire to do things at the right moment just don't go too fast, you may regret it later. Just be careful with how you express yourself sentimentally, analyse your thoughts minutely and you'll be fine. It is not the best time for patience when the moon enters Aries and once we are 'waning" it means the moon is waning some qualities we might find useful so you have to use your resources wisely.
     Be patient when it comes to doing things that require time and details. The moon is in conjunction with Chiron (Aries 5º15') what means it is a good time for thinking over what needs healing in your sentimental life, use the energy of Aries to heal yourself  with the blazing fires of the creation, fire can destroy but can also heal. The Moon talks in harmony with Chiron as they approach a perfect conjunction, it is a good day to plan the week ahead and organise yourself, don't take the impulsive side of Aries and go overwhelming yourself with things to do but use its sense of adventure, new beginnings for your life in sentimental field, new nourishment.
     The foresight for the moon status in the next few days is: Trine with Mercury in Leo (10º04) bringing attention to pride and prejudice (no, not talking about Jane Austin lol) in the way you speak to people, Leo and Aries are quite intense signs, so if you take their impulsiveness you might hurt people, Aries knows where to hurt people. So just learn how to use this energy for teaching good things to other people, don't sound arrogant nor owner of the truth but be a wise speaker, use of this heat to warm people's heart with your kindness, not to throw rocks at them. Also trine with Jupiter (14º38') bringing energy to reach our objectives and turning our atmosphere a little bit more cheerful, but again, be careful not to get too excited and simply go overwhelming yourself with work and plans, take it easy! Nach dèan thu air do shocair!
     Square with the North node (Cancer 15º23') which will imply in possible conflicts for your sentimental life, perhaps you'll find yourself reevaluating where you want to get in the future, while the north node is mother-like and patient the moon will be a baby Aries willing to go forth into the moment. It might bring up family-mother issues, it is a time to listen more than talking especially if that's your mum. Don't be grumpy narrow minded for advise, take them and try to consider. Know when your mum tells you: You shouldn't go to that party! then you go and something bad happens? That's it, listen to others, even so you want to do this, take others in consideration. 
     Those are the major aspects we might expect these days coming. 
     Now talking about Mars that just entered virgo, what will it bring up? Well, we might expect a more focused environment for business and studies, the desire to follow schedules and all organised. It is a good time to organise yourself in all matters, especially what is really worth pursuing. Is that German course taking too much time, slow it down a bit, if something requires your attention in levels of importance get the prior ones. The bad aspect that can overshadow our lives with Virgo in Mars is that we might become really workaholics and fanatic for work and future objectives. With that you might forget to live in the present, enjoying the good moments of life for foolish perfectionist ideals. Understand, we have plans, but they'll never be as we project them 100% so just be happy with whatever outcomes you may have, everything is worth something. 
     For Aspects there is one that will happen soon: Trine with Taurus (6º35') that might bring a relief to our toughness and make us relax a little bit and be more patient, although take Taurus' advise wisely: Be patient, enjoy the seed (plans) you're watching grow up but don't sleep and forget that you can do other things while your seed is growing, just remember to water it properly and give it love and nourishment. Again don't be perfectionist with things and take some advise from others learning the value of sharing things, sharing your labour, it will be a good time to work in groups just don't try to make things as you like, remember, we are diverse and we may think differently, try to understand others. 

Well, that is just it for now, a lot to take in. I know, I hope it will be useful for your personal growth. Many blessings upon you and have a wonderful week ahead!

Mar sin leibh an-dràsda! 
Cheerio! :D 
