🌙Hecate's Day🌜

Hallo! I'm back,
     For those of you who still don't know, today is the day of Hecate, Triple Goddess, Titan Goddess of Witchcraft. On this post I will be giving you tips on how to please the Goddess and how to celebrate your Hecate's day properly. First, what does this day represent? On the 13th of August the Greek generally had offerings for her in reason of the crops they didn't want her neither anything else to harm with storms and so on. It is a day to be thankful and joyful and as the nearly-full moon is shining bright tonight we can focus on the young pregnant lady ready to give birth to a new phase for us all, the woman that soon will become mother, tonight ask Hecate to give birth to this light, pray in her name and ask her to nourish you by the energy of Aquarius, may her hounds guard your doors and may her power be with us all. 
     So, now that you know a bit about it let's go for the ceremony. Hecate is a midnight-goddess in this case it is nice to perform the rite in the evening or morning (12am on). She is famous for being always at crossroads (being this one of her symbols). 

You will need:
  • Rock Salt in a Saucer or another vessel
  • Laurel leaves for her Glory (3 I advise, once it is a sacred number related to Hecate)
  • Garlic 
  • Water for rebirth and motherhood
  • Onion (optional)
  • Wolfsbane (or Lavender)
  • Purple, Black or White Candle(s) - Nicely if you've got three but if you don't kein problem.
  • A nice Incense related to the Goddess (optional)
     Cast your circle by visualising a circle of light around your altar or place where the ritual will happen. Make sure all your items (crystals, herbs, cauldron, candles...) are in the circle before opening it. Light the candle(s) and if you may just draw a pentagram onto the candle's wax and anoint it with oil visualising the Goddess image. Light them/it and begin by singing a song that comes to your mind related to the feminine, to the blessings of a mother, to her loving and compassion. After that make your salutations (something like: Hecate, three times Goddess, Hecate, who dance in us all, Hecate, your power we extol). Burn the first Laurel and say: To thy glory we danced and dance, burn the second and say: To thy mysteries we bow, burn the third and say: To thy power we open up and receive, the many blessings we need to fulfil our heart's desire in which thou reside. Take some moments to reflect upon the Goddess in yourself (men or women we are all both in one body classified by human society, we are all sacred Goddesses and Gods, no matter who we are). You may write a poem to the Goddess and burn it and while the flames burn the paper you may throw some lavender and say: May all that is wrong be correct, may all chaos be balanced and may the goddess three times be here present. Light the incense (if you have one) and say: May our crops in physical and spiritual world thrive and no storms shall come and prive our chance to get them right, Hecate grant us good spiritual change and protect us with thy hounds, give birth to the light within us and our vessel we shall empty, pour down thy glory and we shall thrive. Thank you Mother! Thank you! Heya! 

That's it! You can leave the circle opened for the night and cast it away on the other day or when the sun rises. Thank the goddess and leave the circle. 

Have a lovely Hecate's day! 
Mar sin Leabh An-dràsda! 
