Where to start?

   Hello, dear readers!
      As you might be asking what kind of content you'll be reading in this blog I decided to make a list of my primeval topics to discuss with you. First, I will try to upload a weekly sky report with my interpretations about the astrological position of the planets. Astrology is something I consider quite relevant to get to know about oneself and about the universe around. Dear mother moon knows how nice it has been to learn so much from all around me. Apart from Astrology I also would like to talk to you about potion making, spell casting, oracle reading and tips for your magic, here not to mention that I am not professional once I started my practice only three years ago, there is much to learn and little to ignore. 
      Matter of fact my next post will be about the week's sky report as consideration to the full moon this week, in Aquarius, I will be diving (likely shallowly) into what benefits or barriers this full moon might bring up. Of course knowledge is not only acquired alone but I will be drawing from many sources and mentioning them all, also giving my own interpretation and points of view. If it is your first time here and you're looking for more content I am sorry but this is just a new-born website and I'll be glad to have you during our journey to make information spread. 
      Be tuned for the next post on our Weekly report on the sky and what the solar system will be putting its finger on this week ahead.

 Cheers An-dràsda! 
