Full Moon in Aquarius

Feasgar Math, Ciamar a tha sibh?
     Hello beloved ones, I am glad to write tonight in spite the bad moon that I was immersed into. You see, the Moon is entering opposition to my natal Sun (Leo 13º) and I am getting quite a lot of emotional unbalance this week. But we are not here only to talk about me. As Moon is 97% lightened up by the light of our Sun and the lunar ecliptic (axis around the planets that move them through the signs) is in Aquarius we face challenges, not only me but we all once the sun (our inner self) finds itself in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius (180º Opposition).
      If we take that, oppositions are tense aspects (communication per say) between two planets in opposite signs. We might see if as two sides of the same coin fighting for its own truth that in the end is the same. We tend now to undergo vigorous emotional conflicts and perhaps, you like myself, find a bit annoying anything around you. It is time, however, to measure feelings and find a common ground in what concerns our emotions. We have Sirius that huge star/planet I mentioned in the previous post, which brings us light and resolution IF we are opened to it. 
    Aquarius doesn't like to be under rules and laws made by other people (once it is the other side of Leo it has its similar characteristics, not to be ruled) and so we may face a lot of dilly-dally in our minds, annoying us, drawing our inspiration and making us complain about everything. Some of you, might feel it not much or intensively. In any of these cases I maintain what I advised before - Be opened to change, empty your knowledge-bearer, your old precepts, remember: Aquarius talks about liberty, set yourself free from these old time, relationships, manners, behaviour things and be your true self. Take a good purifying bath on the 15th (Full Moon's total light) - I will be writing how to make this bath. For now just try to relax and keep your mind clean of all rubbish you might've been storing in. 
     Do you know that spring cleaning thing? that's it....This Full moon calls us to do so, especially with our emotions and mind-set. Many blessings upon you!

Mar sin Leibh An-dràsda! 
Oidche Mhat! 
