Weekly Sky Report - August 12th up to 17th
Hallo, Ciamar a tha sibh an-diugh?
Haha! Sorry for the GÃ idhlig above, just asking how you are today. On this post I will be drawing our attention to the weekly sky report as promised before. It will throw some light in what might be waiting for us at the corner. I will try to be as less technical as possible, use as less jargon as possible and if I do I will explain in plain English, don't worry. So, let's get down to work, shall we?
Now, this is my natal chart in comparison to the current situation of the planets. As you can all see I am a Leo sun, Moon Gemini, Mercury Cancer and so on. I will be focusing not on me right now, I will focus on the first chart on the left. Just to make clear, the Asc (Rising sign) changes depending where you are on the Planet. But most planets will be quite the same. So, what can I understand of the situation of the planets for this week?
First, the Sun: It is still in Leo drawing light upon the 3rd decan just now (that is, simply, the third phase of the sign, e.g I was born on the second decan, meaning I have somehow a Leo-Sagittarius thing, not plainly pure Leo). This decan will bring us quite a lot of vitality as Leo draws energy of Aries to be determined during this last phase of the sun in Leo. If you were feeling quite introspected and a little contemplative about things around you, now you might feel a hush to do things at once, stop the diddle-dally and make your hands dirty. Sun is in conjunction with Venus (Sun 20º05' Leo and Venus 19º46' Leo) what means love matters and relationships might finally get to a conclusion, it is or it is not. The lion is decided to do something, time to stop analysing, time to act now. I will be focusing on the Aspects during the week as the planets move around, cèart ma-tha?
The moon: She is about to leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius, the moon is at its 80% hit by the sun and it means it will be full on the 15th of August, in this case, this coming Thursday. I was watching a video by Tanishka (The Moon Woman,com - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4lMpHyFCGQ), I simply love her videos. She was explaining the complexities of this week's astrological perspective, my summary and interpretation for the table above and with her help I got the following:
With Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius this coming Thursday we are likely to experience a challenging moment for our heart energy, are we truly connected to the energy of the heart? are we allowing ourselves to find true love? abandoning the projections we create on others? Remember, Aquarius, the water-bearer is the sign of movement, of energy, of transformation and equality for balance, freedom, receptivity. On this full moon Jupiter and Saturn will be opening the doors for the lion's gate of Sirius (the start twice as big as our own sun), so allow this energy to penetrate your soul. Empty your water-bearer, allow mother moon to fill it up with wisdom, abandon the old projections on people and on yourself. Be the king and Queen of your heart unto you. Be receptive, stop complaining about everything, it only tires you. Be grateful and opened to change, shine and let shine, that's the message for this week. Many Blessings! Have a lovely Full moon and Week ahead.
Cheerio An-drà sda! Mar sin leibh!
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