Hello Witches, Pagans, Warlocks or as you please...

Good Evening to you all.

      I am an Omnist Natural Witch who lives in Brazil. To those who are not acquainted with the term "Omnist" it is used to define those whose religious traditions aggregate many religious traditions from all over the world. I have been keen on it for the three years now and I am glad to be here able to share what I have learnt so far in what concerns the deep religious perspective of our ancestors pagans or as I like to call them - Natural Philosophers.
     It is with great pleasure that I write to spread more about what there is to find in the world around us and what we can learn from those who came before us. Fell totally free to share and comment as much as you please. I believe the best thing about being able to spread information is also to receive knowledge from everywhere. I wholeheartedly hope you will enjoy and take advantage of my experience to enlighten, somehow, your own path. I wish you all the warmest welcome to this blog and truly hope you will find here something you like about a young inexperienced author who knows little to the vast information contained in the universal vessel above us.
     One more time, my most sincere welcome! Blessed be.
