Virgo takes over

Hàlo a charaidh! 
     How have you all been? So, We are under a very nice phenomenon I like to call Virgo Queendom. Yesterday and today almost all the intra-saturnine planets (Planets that go up to Saturn such as Sun, Moon, Earth, Venus...) were/are in Virgo. Ok but what does it bring up? Well, Virgo brings a message of new beginnings this week, as perfectly tomorrow is the first day of September, August was a very long month and brought many conflicts and feelings now it is time to learn to start again.
      Now the Lion governing has completely turned into the noble maiden and she is crowned Queen. We are under the mercy of the virgin lady that governs with justice, intellect and wisdom. With the intra-saturnine planets in Virgo we might expect to speak, think, feel, act more like Virgos. The good points? We can be idealistic, prone to help people, abandon our prejudices and communicate with everyone. We tend to focus more on schedules and plans rather than act through impulsive acts as well as dedicate ourselves to work. Bad points? We might feel too pessimistic, too overwhelmed and overworked, feel like life is all about serving people and not ourselves, imagine that we are here simply to be hidden and get no gratitude from anyone.
      However, it is a time for us to understand the barriers between  serving others and ourselves. Take things easy and don't worry too much about things you have to do, feel the moment and be happy in the moment, don't mind future right now, Virgo tends to bring a lot of paranoids to our life, so focus on what you like doing and do things step by step, one by one. 
     I truly hope you'll do well during this Virgo Queendom! 

That's all for now folks! 
Mar sin leibh an-dràsda! 
